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Summary of Lists

 Summary of Lists There are three types of HTML lists: ordered, unordered, and definition. Ordered lists use numbers. Unordered lists use bullets. Definition lists are used to define terminology. Lists can be nested inside one another. Example Code Thanks for reading this blog.


 HTML Provides Three Types of Lists . Ordered List - Ordered list are lists where each item in the list is numbered. Unordered List - Unordered lists that begin with a bullet point. Definition List - Definition Lists are made up a set of terms along with the definition for each of those terms.  Ordered Lists <ol> The Ordered list is created with <ol> element. <li> each item in the list is palaced between opening <li> tag and closing </li> tag. <li> stands for list items. Browsers indent lists by default. Unordered List <ul> The Unordered list is created with <ul> element. <li> each item in the list is palaced between opening <li> tag and closing </li> tag. <li> stands for list items. Browsers indent lists by default. Definition list <dl> The definition list is created with <dl> element. inside <dl> element we use <dt> and <dd> elements. <dt> This is used to contain the t...