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We come across all kinds of documents every day of our lives. Newspapers, insurance forms, shop catalogs... the list goes on. Many web pages act like electronic versions of these documents. For example, newspapers show the same stories in print, as they do on websites; you can apply for insurance over the web; and stores have online catalogs and e-commerce facilities. In all kinds of documents, the structure is very important in helping readers to understand the messages you are trying to convey and to navigate around the document. So, in order to learn how to write web pages, it is very important to understand how to structure documents.  How HTML describes the structure of a web page Learn how tags or elements are added to your document Write your first web page For more blogs related to technology you can visit


HTML: H YPER T EXT M ARKUP L ANGUAGE (1989) HTML's primary purpose is to list the content used in the webpage HTML will display text, labels, lists, insert photos, and other media to create hyperlinks, buttons, and container. CSS: C ASCADING S TYLE S HEET (1996) CSS is used to create a responsive layout, animations, styling text, and positioning container by applying CSS you add the look and feel that you would like to your websites. HTML is made up of contents between <tags> whereas CSS is made of selectors followed by {declaration block} Simple HTML code <p>This is a paragraph</p> Simple CSS code p{ color:red; } For more blogs related to technology you can visit


When we visit a website, the web server hosting that site could be anywhere in the world. In order for you to find the location of the webserver, your browser will first connect to a Domain Name System (DNS) server. We can understand by the following 1. When we connected to the web, you do so via an internet service provider (ISP). we type a Domain name or web address into the browser  like 2. Our computer contacts a network server called DNS. It tells our computer IP address associated with the domain. IP unique address like a mobile number. 3.The Unique number that the DNS Server returns to our browser to contact the webserver that hosts the website we require. A web server is a computer that is constantly connected to the web and is set up specially to send web pages to the user. 4. The web server then sends pages you requested back to your web browser. For more blogs related to technology you can visit


"How websites are created WHAT YOU SEE When we are looking at a website, it is most likely that your browser will be receiving HTML & CSS from the web server that hosts the site . some websites also send javascript or flash to your browser. HOW IT IS CREATED  Small   websites Small   websites are mostly written just using HTML & CSS. Larger websites in particular, those that update regularly and use a content management system (CMS), Blogging Tools, or E-commerce software often make use of more complex technologies on the webserver. HTML5 & CSS3 Since the web was first created there have been several versions of HTML and CSS. each intended to be an improvement in the previous version. For more blogs related to technology you can visit


" THE MAIN FACTORS THAT ARE IMPORTANT IN ACCESS THE WEB 1. BROWSER In order to view a web page, users might type a web address into their browser. 2. WEB SERVERS When we requested a web page, the request sent to a computer known as the webserver which hosts the website. 3. DEVICE It is important to remember that various devices have different screen sizes and some have faster connections to the web than others. 4. SCREEN READERS Screen readers are the program that read out the content of a computer screen to a user. They are commonly used by people with visual impairment. Thanks for visiting my blog. I will try to post regularly. For more blogs related to technology you can visit