These are some text element that are intended to affect the structure of your page , but they add extra information to the pages-they are known as Semantic markup.
The Use of the <strong> element indicates that its content has strong importance.
Browsers show <strong> element in "Bold" By Default.
The <em> element indicates emphasis that subtly changes the meaning of sentence.
Browsers show <em> element in "Italic" By Default.
2. Quotation
These are the two type of quotations
The <blockquote> element is used for or longer quotes that takes up an entire paragraph.
The <q> element is used for shorter quotes that sit within a paragraph browsers are supposed to quotes around the q element.
3. Abbreviations & Acronyms
If you use an abbreviations or an acronyms , then the <abbr> element can be used. A title attiribute on the opening tag is used to specify the full term.
<acronyms> element is used as following picture.
4. Citations & Definitions
When we are referencing a piece of work such as a book, a film, a research paper. we Use <cite> element.
By default browser render <cite> element in italic.
when we explain some new terminology first time ,we use <dfn> element.
In chrome and safari no change in font.
5. Author Details
The <address> element has a quite specific use to contain contact details for the author of the page.
6. Change in content
The <ins> element can be used to show content that has been inserted into a document, while the <del> element can show text that has been deleted from it.
The content of a <ins> element is usually underlined, while the content of a <del> element usually has a line through it.
The <s> element indicates something that is no longer accurate or relevant (but that should not be deleted).
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